【TED Talks】Can we eat to starve cancer? - Dr. William Li

Dr. William Li presents a new way to think about cancer treatment: angiogenesis, targeting the blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that beat cancer at its own game. 

Angiogenesis means the growth of blood vessels. Your body usually knows how to regulate the growth of blood vessels, but sometimes there are defects in blood growing and pruning. Too little angiogenesis can lead to things like wounds that won't heal, heart attack, and other diseases. Too much angiogenesis leads to other bad things such as blindness, arthritis. It's is a common denominator of many diseases. It's also the "hallmark of every type of cancer."
In autopsies of people who died in car accidents, doctors have found microscopic cancers in 40% of woman (breast) and 40% of men (prostate). Something like 70% of older people have microcancers in their thyroid. But the cancer is harmless -- "cancer without disease." If you block angiogenesis, the cancer can't grow. "It's a tipping point between harmless cancer and deadly one."

Li showed a photo of a poor dog with gnarly tumor hanging off its side. The vet gave the dog three months to live. They started anti-angiogenesis drugs. In a few weeks, the tumor shrank away completely. They also cured a dolphin of mouth cancer and saw a complete remission of a deadly lip cancer on a horse.

Today there 12 different anti-angiogenesis drugs available for people and dogs. They are quite effective for many cancers, but not much for liver, lung, and breast cancers. The problem with these cancers is that by the time they are detected they have progressed too far for anti-angiogenesis drugs to do their work.

The good news, Li says, is that "we eat to starve cancer." Lots of foods contain naturally occuring inhibitors of angiogenesis, and many are even better than drugs for blocking angiogenesis (see image below).

Angiogenesis also plays a huge role in obesity. "Adipose tissue is highly angiogenesis-dependent." You can cycle the weight of mice by inhibiting and promoting angiogenesis. "We can't create supermodel mice -- it takes them to normal weight."

Dr. William W. Li is an international expert on health and disease fighting based on diet, lifestyle, and treatments that keep the body’s blood vessels in balance. As President and founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation, he is leading a worldwide effort to bring forth revolutionary health improvement emerging from cutting edge medical research.A native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Dr. Li received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College, and his medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.  He completed his clinical training in Internal Medicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

P.S. Except food ,Acupuncture is the great natural way to keep the body balance expecially the angiogenesis balance, so properly diet or regular acupuncture treatment will keep you away from all these diseased because of the out of balance of angiogenesis.Jarry Liu: one of the best Chinese Acupuncturist since 1989


什么是静脉曲张?静脉曲张属于脉管病之一,是静脉功能不全(CVI - Chronic Venous Insufficiency ) , 静脉血液淤滞(Venous Stasis) 或静脉管壁薄弱等因素,导致的静脉迂曲、扩张。中医把一系列外围血管病统称为脉管病,包括静脉曲张、精索静脉曲张、静脉炎、脉管炎、动脉硬化闭塞等,又称之为“周围血管疾病”。 中医认为,脉管病乃因先天禀赋不足,筋脉薄弱,湿寒入侵,过度劳累,进一步损伤筋脉,以至筋脉不合,气血运行不畅,血壅于下,淤血阻滞脉络扩张充盈,日久交错盘曲而成。静脉曲张患者多数因为长期久坐久站保持同一姿势,血液淤积一起,血压增大,或静脉瓣膜不堪重压,不能正常闭合,血液出现倒流、凝阻淤滞。静脉曲张还可发生于身体的其他部位,比如痔疮其实就是一种静脉曲张,其中最常见的是下肢部位。静脉曲张也有可能是其他病变的继发表现,如腔静脉闭塞等,应积极处理原发病。














血瘀引起的腿疼和静脉曲张放血疗法治好了六年的腿疼顽疾 (Youtube视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dXsqtoywZY






有关罐诊罐疗的详细资料可参考“岭南神罐”、“江南第一罐”、“中华一绝”: 王氏真空罐诊罐疗 或 致电东方针灸罐疗诊所:416-800-3978




  1. 经络窜感又叫得气,有酥酥的感觉,这是好的现象。
  2. 做艾炙过程中,下腹中感觉有一股热气在形成,并能随着人的意识而形成气流,在人的经络内来回的流动,上到头顶,下到足底,经过的地方有酸、麻、胀、痛的不同感觉,就像是练气功一样。这是非常好的现象。
  3. 夏天要出大汗为佳。但冬天灸以全身微微出汗为佳,特别是额头、手心、足心要出热汗,出大汗者一定是身体比较虚的人。
  4. 寒感,灸后会觉得冒凉风,寒性体质的人多会出现这种现象,要多灸。
  5. 沉感,是正常的,比较像压了一块大石头。气血循环不畅经络不通
  6. 肚子咕咕叫,或者排气,这是促进肠蠕动,帮助排除身体的浊气是一种非常好的现象。
  7. 如果腹部或后腰出油,是血液粘稠,血脂高,血液毒素垃圾过多是一种非常好的现象。
  8. 做艾灸的前几次没有什么感觉,只有点热,说明经络不通,身体比较寒。
  9. 做艾灸时上半身热或只是下半身热,表明不怎么热的那半身的经络不是很通。
  10. 灸的过程中有出现手心或足心出冷汗,是排寒气的现象,然后才出的热汗,说明体内寒气重。
  11. 做完后口干燥,咽喉难受,说明上焦有虚火,要做到要配合做肩颈灸,疗效就会很好了。 
  12. 开始灸很热,过了一段时间后感觉不热了,那是正常的平台期,还有就是经络适应了,需要用猛火灸。 
  13. 酸痛、疲劳、嗜睡(白天爱困):体质酸性,血液循环差,气血不足,在灸后血液循环加快,所以体质弱的人前二、三次会出现乏力困倦现象。 
  14. 呼吸急促或不顺畅,情绪不稳定、头重:心脏功能弱,心肌供血不足、血偏稠。 
  15. 肾脏部位有酸痛感,(腰酸腰凉)尿量增加,尿色有变化:肾功能不佳,肾气不足,阳虚。
  16. 做完艾灸后,脐部有出黄水的现象:这说明有妇科炎症或肠胃炎症。
  17. 做完艾灸后下部瘙痒、分泌物增加或有血块:妇科不好、月经不调调整经期中,会出现短暂乱经。 
  18. 做完艾灸后全身无力感或增加酸痛:痛风、月内风,体内有风湿几次后即消失。 
  19. 做完艾灸后持续出汗:体内湿气重,艾为纯阳之火,能帮助排湿去寒。 
  20. 做完几次艾灸会感觉口渴?非常典型的上实下虚的症状,在做过几次后出现好转反应,感觉病情加重了,建议多喝水,可以3-5天做一次中间穿插做刮痧,拔罐。 
  21. 月经提前或推后:爱的作用最先走向的就是女性和男性的生殖系统所以女性做艾灸月经3个月之内为调整期,月经可以提前或推后。
  22. 出水泡,出红诊是体内的湿毒,血毒过多,越是这种现象越要灸
  23. 脐下出水泡,是有妇科问题,水泡下还有红点是有炎症。脐周出水泡是肠道湿寒,严重的人会在脐周起一圈硬皮。




【Case Report】Neck stiff and blocked ear problem got improvement after a free trial treatment

Yesterday(June 22) a middle-aged gentleman Edmund who is referred by the dentist at Bellesmere Dental Clinic(right next door to Oriental Acupuncture Clinic), came in for inquiring about acupuncture treatment for his neck stiff problem and  also his blocked ear problem and sometimes headache also low back pain. Because he had never tried acupuncture before, so Jarry gave him a free trial treatment. After half an hour treatment, he said that he felt his neck loosen up and his ear is cleared up too. So he scheduled an appointment with Jarry for next Monday which is 4 days away. But surprisedly he came again today and asked if he can see Jarry again today for acupuncture, because he felt the improvement from yesterday trial treatment. so he'd really like to take the treatment more often, not just waiting until next Monday.

Jarry do have a lot of patients like him that want to take the treatment more often so they can get better sooner. But Jarry always told them honestly that 2 to 3 times acupuncture treatment a week is good for most of patients, after every treatment, patients need couple days to recover their energy(or Qi). For older patients, maybe only one time treatment a week is better.






针刺疗法须在专业针灸师正规操作下才能完成,患者切勿在家自行操作。 东方针灸罐疗诊所刘医生是来自三代中医针灸世家,有着27年丰富的临床经验, 对癌症控制及癌症疼痛的控制有其独特的治疗方法及疗效。




       心血不足、失神失养等问题会引发以早醒为主的睡眠问题。对于这种情况,中医建议采用走罐的方式,用罐在背部五脏的腧穴上,上下反复走罐,对于失眠疗效较显著。 走罐可以调节人的神智,改善醒的早的问题。我们选取的走罐位置是膀胱经,人体五脏六腑的腧穴都在膀胱经上,通过对膀胱经的刺激,可以达到疏通经络、调节脏腑气机的作用,从而平衡阴阳,调节神智。




【Case Reprot】Lost 5lb after 8 section acupuncture treatment

A 69 year-old lady referred by the dentist next door, came in to see Jarry for weight loss, when she mentioned to Jarry that she also has Sciatica and knee pain, Jarry told her to treat that problem first , so Jarry focused on her knee and Sciatica pain treatment. But surprisedly she told us that she lost 5 lbs so far after 8 section treatment (30'/section), she is very happy for that.At the same time her knee pain is gone after 8 section treatment and  her Sciatica pain is also gone after 19 section treatment. 

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more Natural Cures & Remedies for Weight Loss

Acupuncture for Asthma (Natural cures and remedies)

Asthma affects approximately 2 million Canadians every year. Conventional treatment options are limited to steroid inhalers and bronchodilators. While these medications are effective in relieving the symptoms of asthma, the side effects of continuous long-term treatment can be severe. There are numerous natural strategies to consider for chronic asthma that can offer effective treatment without the side effects.

The following is a list of nutritional supplements and herbal formulas to consider for asthma:
  • Supplements
Quercetin - Recognized as one of the superior flavonoids because of its marked antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Quercetin is known for its ability to stabilize mast cells and help control allergies. If the asthma is directly related to allergic reactions, then quercetin is an excellent supplement to try.

Grape Seed extract - A strong antioxidant that is also very good at reducing inflammation and breaking the chronic pattern of allergy-induced asthma.

Cod liver oil - High in essential fatty acids, cod liver oil reduces inflammation, promotes healthy circulation, and is generally strengthening for immunity.

MSM - MSM is an organic sulfur-containing nutrient, a naturally-occurring compound in the environment and in the human body. Sulfur is necessary for the structure of every cell in the body. Hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and antioxidants all depend on it. Because the body utilizes and expends it on a daily basis, sulfur must be continually replenished for optimal nutrition and health. MSM has anti-inflammatory properties. It boosts immunity and is helpful for allergies.
  • Chinese herbs 
Ginseng and gecko: A Chinese herbal formula (ren shen ge jie san) that clears heat and phlegm from the lungs and strengthens both lung and spleen Qi

Ding chuan tang: The most widely used herbal formula for asthma, ding chuan tang can be applied to all kinds of asthma. In particular, if the asthma is exacerbated by the onset of a cold, this formula works well.

Jade Windscreen: A Chinese herbal formula (yu ping feng san) that can be combined with one of the above formulas to add another support in strengthening immunity and boosting lung function.
  • Acupuncture 
Practiced for over 2,500 years in various cultures throughout Asia, acupuncture has enjoyed a long history of treating internal medical conditions. Acupuncture can be very effective in the treatment of asthma. Acupuncture helps to reduce inflammation and balance the major organs that are contributing to one’s symptoms.

In Chinese medicine, asthma can be caused by a variety of factors including stress, diet, allergies, candida infection and constitutional weakness. All of these factors are related to different internal organs that are causing the lungs to constrict. Acupuncture theory involves combining the patient’s symptoms with pulse and tongue diagnosis to get a clear picture of the body’s inner workings. Acupoints are used on the corresponding meridians that will balance any energetic or functional disharmonies. Adjunctive therapies are also very helpful for asthma, such as cupping and Skin scraping.

  • Diet
The main strategy for asthma sufferers is to avoid foods that provoke inflammation in the body. At the top of this list is the whole class of refined sugars and carbohydrates. Any food that converts into sugar very quickly in the body is going to cause inflammation. Many asthma patients report a marked improvement in their symptoms simply by taking this step.

In Chinese medicine, the lungs share a close relationship with the large intestine. Intestinal toxicity can cause a whole slew of internal problems, including asthma and allergies. If there is a history of constipation, then a cleansing approach is useful to detoxify the colon, which will indirectly benefit the lungs. A high fiber diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables is the key. Flax seed, prune, pear, ripe banana, and herbs such as rhubarb root are helpful colon cleansers.
  • Deep breathing 
Anytime the asthma is in remission, we recommend undertaking deep breathing exercises as much as possible. Ujayi breathing in yoga is a very helpful practice for building lung capacity and strength. This is a long, exaggerated breath that is coordinated with each asana (yoga posture). Many of the chest opening asanas are healing for the lungs as well. Pranayama exercises such as the one minute breath and alternate nasal breathing are beneficial, especially is done on a daily basis. The one minute breath involves inhaling as slowly as possible for as long as possible, holding for as long as possible, then exhaling for as long as possible. Try to build up to a full minute of doing this. Alternate nasal breathing involves plugging one nostril, then inhaling deeply through the other, switching sides, then exhaling slowly and fully, inhaling deeply, then switching sides. This can be repeated several times.

Acupuncture natural cures and remedies for allergy

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Acupuncture for Facial Paralysis or Bell's Palsy | Natural Cures & Remedies

Bells palsy is not as uncommon as is generally believed.Worldwide statistics set the frequency at approximately .02% of the population (with geographical variations). In human terms this is 1 of every 5000 people, and 40,000 Americans every year.

Affecting about 10,000 people in Canada every year, Bell’s Palsy is a neurological disorder that manifests as a paralysis of the face. This disorder often affects only one side of the face. Bell’s Palsy is thought to be a result of damage to the facial nerve that controls the muscles on one side of the face, which then causes those muscles to droop. The facial nerve damage that affects the facial muscles can also impact a person’s taste, saliva, or ability to cry or smile. Bell’s Palsy is most common in young adults, the elderly, diabetics, and pregnant women, but it can affect anyone.

 This condition is often a shock, as it comes on overnight. The majority of patients wake with the facial muscles in paralysis. Most patients either have no symptoms beforehand, or they miss the warning signs, which are subtle and can include neck pain, pain behind the ear, or pain in the back of the head. People with Bell’s Palsy can experience difficulty with multiple facial functions including closing their eyes, eating, smiling, and their speech can also become slurred. Often, people jump to the conclusion that a stroke has occurred, but thankfully, Bell’s Palsy is not the result of a stroke, and is also a temporary affliction. While the condition comes on suddenly, it usually passes or gets better on its own within three weeks. 

While the patient is waiting for signs of the condition to alleviate, there are several natural remedies that can quicken the recovery process. In traditional Chinese medicine, herbal remedies may be used to promote effective functioning of the nervous system, prevent stress (which is thought to exacerbate Bell’s Palsy), and offer a therapeutic effect. 

Herbs like St. John’s Wort, Avena Sativa, and Valerian, as well as carefully prepared Causticum, Dulcamara, and Aconite can be used to treat conditions relating to the nervous system. Taking supplements of vitamins B12 and B6, as well as zinc can promote nerve growth and may help quicken the recovery of the damaged facial nerve. 

Massage can also help ease the symptoms of Bell’s Palsy. Gently massaging the afflicted areas of the face, or practicing daily facial exercises can help the condition. Additionally, a full body massage on areas that are unaffected by the condition can help. Stress can worsen the condition, and is often thought to be a precipitating factor that may bring on an episode, so receiving a relaxing, full body massage can help soothe a patient and lead to a quicker recovery. 

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the diagnosis for Bell’s Palsy is termed “External Wind-Cold attacking the channels of the face”. According to TCM principles, one of the main implications of this condition is an underlying qi (a person’s inherent energy) deficiency. In China, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to assist in Bell’s Palsy recovery, and the initial treatment goal according to TCM would be to expel Wind and resolve Damp, as well as to invigorate qi and promote blood circulation to the face. 

Consistent acupuncture treatments (usually recommended once or twice per week), can help soothe a patient, expedite the paralysis from dissipating, and enhance nerve function.  Bell's Palsy Case by Jarry Liu 
Usually the best treatment time for Bell's Palsy or facial Paralysis is within 1 to 3 weeks when this condition happens, don't delay the best treatment time.

Patients with Bell’s Palsy can have several weeks of recovery time in which they may choose to stay at home and take some time off from their normally rigorous daily routines.