Two powerful Points to Boost Our Immune System

Looking for a natural way to boost your immune system? If you’re feeling stressed out, super busy, or you’re not getting enough sleep, this can make you more likely to get sick. Fortunately, your body has its own built-in system to keep you in balance.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are 12 primary energy pathways or channels running through your body. These channels influence your energy levels, mental clarity, digestion, overall health, emotions, and more. There are ways to “reboot” and strengthen the system to keep your body healthy and strong.

Two Powerful Immune-Boosting Points

Your body has two pressure points that help strengthen your body whenever you’re feeling run down and need a quick boost for your immune system. Practice these points daily—they take just 5 to 10 minutes to massage—and they’ll give your body a surge of qi (life force energy) to help keep colds and flus away during stressful times.

1. Chinese Reflexology Point for the Lung

The Lung reflexology point is an outstanding standalone point for boosting your Lung qi, which then helps to disperse the wei qi throughout your body to fortify your body’s protective barrier against germs.

2. Chinese Acupuncture Point: Stomach 36 – Zu San Li


This acupressure point is a classic that is commonly used by acupuncturists for treating patients for a wide range of conditions. This point is especially powerful for improving digestion and for boosting the immune system. It’s also used to treat a long list of conditions, including: stomach pain, hiccups, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and mastitis.