失眠食疗方让你睡得香 Insomnia Natural cures & Remedies










若通过食疗按摩等方法无法改善的严重失眠患者,则需通过针灸打通体内气机,才能达到根治的目的。东方针灸刘医师凭着其二十七年的针灸临床经验,往往一到两个疗程便得到明显改善。在线预约刘医师 ,或来电咨询预约:416-800-3978

Online eClaims made easy - 12 major insurance companies eClaims secure websites

Acupuncture, Massage Therapy Services qualify for direct billing. We are excited to offer this service to our clients to help save your time and improve your experience at Oriental Acupuncture Clinic.
Direct billing is available to all clients who are insured by the following insurance providers:
  • Blue Cross
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Cowan
  • Desjardins
  • Great West Life
  • Green Shield
  • Industrial Alliance
  • Johnson Inc
  • Johnston Group
  • Manulife Financial
  • Maximum Benefit
  • SSQ Financial Group
  • Standard Life
  • Sun Life
  • Veterans Affairs Canada
  • Canadian Armed forces
  • Veterans Affairs
  • RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Instead of paying out of pocket first, we can bill your insurance company directly so that you do not have to deal with the paper work or the hassle.  Please note that some restrictions apply and we require your plan information in order to verify your coverage. Please contact us for more information and to see if you can benefit from this service.


Online eClaims make it simple and easy. 

So for our clinic staff to be able to submit claims on your behalf , you must register on your insurer's secure website for eclaims first. Usually it comes 2 steps: 
  1. Register and be activated;
  2. Sign up for direct deposit and electronic claims statements

  • Manulife's Plan Member Secure Site


        go "Login/Register"

  • Great West Life's Plan Member Login/Register site: 


  • Bluecross website
         go "Sign in to your account"

  • Chambersof commerces

  • IA Financial Group Login/Signup

  • Maximum Benefit Login/Signup: 

  • Green Shield: 

  • Johnson Inc Register/Signin: 

  • Johnston Group Longin/Signup: 

  • Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) account Signup: 

Or Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978

to set up your first appointment!

Healing from the root, beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience better health and well-being!

Acupuncture Cupping massage therapy for Insomnia

Sleep disorders plague millions of Canadians and can be attributed to a variety of causes. Perhaps the main cause of insomnia and restless sleep is the whirlwind pace that most modern people live with day in and day out. Our society emphasizes ‘doing’ much more than ‘being’. From the perspective of acupuncture, the yin aspect of life is quite depleted for the average modern Canadian. In case you have never heard of yin and yang, these are the polar forces that are reflected in everything in the natural world. Yin is related to stillness, tranquility, and contemplation. Yang is related to movement, accomplishment, and function. We need yin and yang to be in balance within ourselves in order to experience true health and wellbeing. When we are yin deficient, we easily become restless, irritable, and excessively busy. Our ability to rest and restore is compromised, as we never seem to get a break from the constant activity in our minds and our lives.

This is one of the main dilemmas that we face in terms of experiencing deep states of continuous sleep. We have forgotten how to turn our minds off due to the frantic speed of everything around us and we have become yin deficient. The common word is stress, but there is a lot more to this picture than is implied. Another way to look at this is that the sympathetic nervous system is on overdrive. We are stuck in fight or flight mode, as we are trying to keep up with our hectic schedules and myriad responsibilities. We have excessive amounts of cortisol and adrenaline in our systems, which keep us feeling amped up and unable to rest. With the pattern of yin deficiency and a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system, we often feel too warm, excessively thirsty, dried out, and anxious. This pattern is extremely common in menopausal women. Due to the fact that we are in fight or flight, we sometimes can’t tell if we are tired. We often feel wired or manic. Yet other times a deep-seated exhaustion is felt that penetrates into our bones.

There are many other factors that contribute to insomnia, but this is the primary issue that many people are facing. Other potential inputs are nutritional imbalances, suppressed emotions, relationship troubles, hormonal imbalances, and energetic imbalances.

Let’s take a look at a few of the top natural treatment options for insomnia:

  •  Acupuncture: All of the major organs of the body are related to specific kinds of insomnia. For instance, there is a liver/gall bladder insomnia in which one is kept awake strategizing, planning and scheduling their lives at night. This person often can’t turn their minds off unless they read or watch TV before bed. Likewise, there are kidney, heart, lung and spleen forms of insomnia that all have specific manifestations. Acupuncture is an excellent treatment option for insomnia, regardless of its etiology. For chronic insomnia, I generally recommend receiving acupuncture once a week for 4-6 weeks, then we can assess for progress. Acupuncture helps to restore balance to the central nervous system and harmonize Qi, the functional energy that underlies our general state of health. Qi can either become stagnant, meaning that too much energy is locked up in a certain area or organ, or it can become deficient, meaning that there is not enough energy in an area or organ. Either pattern can cause insomnia and both are treatable with acupuncture.

                                          or  Cupping treatment for insomnia .

  • Herbs: There are many  herbs that can be very helpful for insomnia.  The great thing about the herbs listed here is that they don’t cause the drowsiness and disorientation that many of the Western sedative drugs do.

          Valerian: Has mild sedative properties that help to relax the nervous                 system and calm the mind.

          Chamomile: Has a mild tranquilizing and calming effect that soothes all             major systems of the body.

          Kava: A highly prized medicinal that is used to alleviate anxiety and                   induce deeper sleeping patterns.

  • Meditation and Deep breathing: Meditation is a deeply restorative practice and can replicate many of the benefits of sleep. In fact, meditation is often considered to be even more beneficial because it can lead to a state of non-thought, which is said by many spiritual traditions to be the deepest state of relaxation and healing possible for human beings. In sleep, our minds are still processing and dreaming. Spend 15 minutes before bed meditating and it will quite likely allow you to fall asleep faster and to sleep more peacefully. 
  •  Yoga: Practiced for many centuries throughout the Eastern world, yoga has finally made its way to the West with unprecedented popularity. There are many different styles of yoga; I encourage you to experiment until you find a style that meets your needs. I recommend doing 15-20 minutes of restorative poses (child pose, shoulder stand, plow pose, corpse pose, standing forward bend, etc.) before bed. Combine this with your sitting meditation practice and you will take a significant step toward healing your nervous system.
  •  Proper diet
        One of the obvious substances in terms of its effect on insomnia is           caffeine. If you are drinking coffee, I recommend either cutting it out altogether for a period of time or switching to green tea. Coffee tends to irritate the nervous system, colon, and liver. It is very heating and stimulating and can be a major obstacle in healing insomnia. Green tea, on the other hand, is soothing to the gut and nervous system. It is cooling in nature and is loaded with antioxidants. While it does have some caffeine, it is still a much better choice than coffee.

         Another culprit in sleep disturbance is refined sugar. Regularly eating sugar causes increasing problems with the regulation of insulin and glucose, which will lead to hypoglycemia and possibly pre-diabetic symptoms. It has been clinically proven that blood sugar has a profound impact on the health of the nervous system. In order to keep blood sugar balanced, white sugar should be avoided or, at the very least, should be coupled with adequate protein intake. Sugar also causes inflammation in the body, which can adversely affect our ability to relax, rest and restore.

         While some people claim that alcohol helps them sleep better, if you have chronic insomnia and drink regularly, it is certainly worth giving it up for a period of several weeks and see if your sleep improves. Alcohol also has an adverse effect on blood sugar and can easily irritate the liver, heart, and nervous system. Many people are sensitive to alcohol but haven’t identified it as a problem.

         The ideal diet
         Simply put, the best thing you can do to heal nutritionally from most chronic health conditions, including insomnia, is to eat an organic whole foods diet that is rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and fiber and to minimize processed foods, sugars, and refined carbohydrates.

  • Nutritional Supplements
Melatonin: Has been proven to help people fall asleep, still controversial as to whether it helps with staying asleep.

Fish oil: Essential fatty acids have numerous health benefits. They are often used in the treatment of emotional and mental imbalances. As such, they tend to compliment other treatments that are being used for insomnia.

5HTP: A precursor to serotonin, 5HTP is used for anxiety, depression, carbohydrate cravings and insomnia.

It is extremely rare that any of these natural options cause the side effects seen in Western sedatives such as drowsiness, moodiness, or dream disturbed sleep. The patient’s overall health improves while using one or more of these protocols. Insomnia is quite treatable using this combination of therapies. Particularly if you have never tried acupuncture before. We will recommend you try it today.

Or Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today 
at 416-800-3978 to set up your first appointment!

Healing from the root, 
beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience 
greater health and well-being!

【Ancient Chinese Music Therapy for lung】 润肺曲《阳春白雪》琵琶








东方针灸罐疗诊所针灸或拔罐治疗顽固咳嗽、哮喘,慢性支气管炎等疾病有显著疗效,欢迎来电咨询,提前预约。Jarry Liu: Chinese Acupuncturist since 1989

诊所电话:416-800-3978 或 416-655-1311(手机短信 Jenny)
诊所地址:Suite 206 - 1920 Ellesmere Rd. Scarborough ON M1H 2V6 (医务大楼内206室)

【Ancient Chinese Music Therapy for kidney】 强肾曲《梅花三弄》洞箫




东方针灸罐疗诊所针灸治疗阳痿、早泄、肾虚肾亏、月经不调、子宫内膜异位、多囊卵巢、不孕不育等疾病有奇效,欢迎来电咨询,提前预约。Jarry Liu: Chinese Acupuncturist since 1989

诊所电话:416-800-3978 或 416-655-1311(手机短信 Jenny)
诊所地址:Suite 206 - 1920 Ellesmere Rd. Scarborough ON M1H 2V6 (医务大楼内206室)

疏肝曲  健脾曲  养心曲  润肺曲  强肾曲







诊所电话:416-800-3978 或 416-655-1311(手机短信 Jenny)
诊所地址:Suite 206 - 1920 Ellesmere Rd. Scarborough ON M1H 2V6 (医务大楼内206室)










地址:1920 Ellesmere Rd.Scarborough ON M1H 2V6 医务大楼内二楼206室 



复旦大学教师 女,出生于1978年

Acupuncture embraced by military doctors as alternative painkillers

United State's military has the world's highest advanced equipment and the world's top doctors, Why should they embrace acupuncture ?


 October 2010 US Department of Defense reported: Doctors use Acupuncture as Newest Battlefield Tool


2014 reports from the US military's official website: Acupuncture helps reduce use of painkiller in army. Why do they want to reduce the use of pain medication? Because the addictive painkillers have way too many side effects.


In 2014, the American Medical Association's official website reported: Auricular acupuncture -  Convenient Technique for battlefield pain. American military doctors use it as a secret weapon!


February 2012 the world-famous NPR (American Public Radio) reported: Military Pokes Holes In Acupuncture Skeptics' Theory. " I've had a lot of treatment, and this is the first treatment that I've had where I've been like, OK,wow, I've actually seen a really big differece." said by Remalia who broke his back, hip and pelvis during rollover caused by a pair of rocker-propelled grenades in Afghanistan.

August 2010 the US Stars and Stripes official website: US Milarty turns to acupuncture as alternative to precription painkillers!


January 2009 in four major US media, one of the NBC (National Broadcasting Company) official website reported: Air Force trains combat doctors in Acupuncture


2012 United States Natural News : Battlefield Acupuncture offers a safer,  more effective alternative to dangerous painkiller drugs for soldiers! This is the biggest reason why the US military embrace acupuncture as their powerful battlefield tool.


January 2009 USA Digital Magazine official website: U.S. Military Approves Use of Acupuncture for Pain!


US military has investigated the efficacy of acupuncture for pain relief:  Concluding that acupuncture is indeed effective.


In April of 2011, The Wall Street Journal reported that military doctors in Afghanistan were using acupuncture to treat brain injuries, with promising results. 2011年4月世界著名的《华尔街日报》报道:针灸能减轻受伤士兵的痛苦吗?阿富汗的美军医生使用针灸治疗脑损伤并取得可喜的结果。

"The Wall Street Journal" reported:  "All we can say is we've learned from the Chinese on  acupuncture" Cmdr. Stuessi says," they've been doing acupuncture for a couple thousand years."

美国《华尔街日报》报道: 战地医生Stuessi说:“我们能说的是:我们已经从中国人那里学到了针灸治疗痛症,他们已经使用针灸几千年.”

Oriental Acupuncture Clinic has a top Chinese Acupuncturist since 1989!

 Call Oriental Acupuncture Clinic today at 416-800-3978  to set up your first appointment! or 

Healing from the root, beyond treating symptoms.
So you can experience greater health and well-being!

With Jarry's 26 years clinical experience, you will feel the difference.